The DIA are liaising with the RIAS and other Chapters to deliver a series of events for the COP26 Conference throughout the country to bring awareness of the impact of rising water levels on our coastal cities, towns, and rural areas. For this, we are developing a cycle route, shopfront exhibitions, and tidal markers to raise awareness. Dundee is to be the main Climate Beacon focus within our Chapter area and we have joined Dundee’s COP26 Working Group who is coordinating a city-wide approach. You can take part in raising awareness for the COP26 events by displaying the COP 26 Shopfront exhibitions which will outline how architects can contribute to a resilient, sustainable, and regenerative built environment. You can get involved here.

The next event will be the DIA cycle route which will take place on Saturday 23rd October and will follow the predicted rise in water level in 2050. The cycle will start at the Discovery Point at 12 noon and finish at Broughty Ferry, at the Ship Inn. The predicted rise in water levels can be seen on an enlightening map here.

You can find a full list of Routes to run, walk or cycle to highlight future sea levels and the impact of climate change on the buildings around us on the RIAS Website.

The DIA is also preparing a series of Sustainability themed CPD events over the 6 week period culminating in a half-day conference. These events will be open to the wider public and will also be promoted through the Dundee COP26 website list of events. We hope these events will raise many questions and discussions as to what the Architectural profession can do to reduce the threat of the climate crisis. The full list of these talks can be seen here.

We are also keen to seize the opportunity to learn how the profession could make an even greater contribution to the sustainability of modern society. We recently asked you to answer some questions for our DIA survey to aid the sustainability of the built environment, the results are now published and attached below!

Click Below for the Link to the Survey Results:

Survey Results

If you would like to attend the Sustainability Group’s next meeting (held online) then please contact